Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity is important within the whole school becasue...
- Children's activity levels are increasing.
- Children want to represent the school as such, behaviour and work rate is increasing.
- Swimming expectations have increased.
- Behaviours during break and lunchtime has improved immensely.
The Blackthorn Primay PE curriculum will...
- Include at least two hours of quality PE sessions timetabled each week.
- Excite and motivate the children and staff.
- Be taught by staff that are knowledgeable and confident.
- Be diverse, Challenging and interesting to all.
- Give opportunities for all children to thrive, develop and learn.
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of activities.
- Keeps children physically active for sustained periods of time.
The Blackthorn Primary extra-curricular provision will...
- Encourage a love of physical activity.
- Provide opportunities for all to take part in a sport/activity of their choice in a fun enviroment.
- Provide opportunities for children to access external clubs.
- Provide opportunities for all children to take part in competitive sport in a comfortable enviroment.
- Ensure children are competent in water.
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