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Working together as a school community to achieve educational excellence for all.


Working together as a school community to achieve educational excellence for all.

EYFS Curriculum - Implementation

 Our curriculum follows the Early Years Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. During their time with us children will learn, explore and engage with lots of challenging, open and creative activities, often based on their own interests. Over a combination of teacher led and child’s led learning opportunities, we are enabling children to develop their ability to learn independently. Our exciting and stimulating learning environment is regularly adapted, so we can meet the needs of the children in our setting.
The broad and balanced opportunities for learning are designed to support all the children, regardless of where they are on their learning journey both, outdoor and indoor environments are designed to evolve which promote independence and allows the children to access the curriculum independently and confidently with the necessary level of support and challenge.

Children attending BPS EYFS benefit from being listen to, developing conversations, playing with adults and, learning new skills and concepts. Ongoing assessment practices, like scaffolding and feedback is complemented through a range of observations, pupils voice, comments from parents and other family members as well as professional dialogue between practitioners. On entry, a baseline assessment is undertaken and combined with the voice of the parent in addition to information and assessment gathered from other settings and agencies. EYFS Formative and Summative assessment is used to measure outcomes of our curriculum and plan experiences which ensures progress. These provide the EYFS practitioners with information for future planning making sure learning is embedded and consistent and that all our children continue to make outstanding progress within our EYFS setting. Our assessment judgements are being regularly moderated both in school and externally within schools in our trust.

Contact Details


Executive Head: Becca Williams
Head of school : Paulette Johnson
Blackthorn Primary School

Tel:01604 407254
